110 research outputs found

    Determinantes da propensão para o empreendedorismo : uma revisão de literatura

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos principais conceitos preconizados na procura dos fatores determinantes da propensão para o empreendedorismo, procurando sintetizar o estado-da-arte da área, ou seja, sintetizar como a literatura clássica e a mais recente tratam o tema. O Empreendedorismo assumiu-se como uma das áreas de estudo da Gestão com maior crescimento nos últimos anos, sendo notória a consolidação e a ramificação da investigação desenvolvida em todo o mundo. De entre as várias linhas de investigação nesta área do conhecimento, focaremos a nossa revisão de literatura na definição dos fatores determinantes da propensão empreendedora.ABSTRACT: This paper presents a review of the main concepts advocated in the search for the determinants of the propensity for entrepreneurship, trying to synthesize the state of the art in the field, in other words, synthesizing as classical literature and the latest treat the subject. Entrepreneurship was seen as one of the areas of study of management with greater growth in recent years, with notable consolidation and ramification of research undertaken worldwide. Among the various lines of research in this field of knowledge, we will focus our literature review in defining the determinants of entrepreneurial propensity.N/

    Knowledge management : critical perspectives on e-business activities

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    This article is both a review and an agenda-setting piece. It argues that knowledge management suffers from conceptual and definitional ambiguity, oversimplification of its development processes, and methodological limitations. Nevertheless, there is a consensus in business and academia that knowledge is a key component of success and allows firms to achieve and sustains competitive advantages. In a digital era, these advantages arise from the potential of data and information that can be gathered, processed, shared, and used to improve e-business activities. Thus, this research bridges the gap in the assessment of knowledge management and e-business relationship, by applying an SEM to a large database sample of KM activities performed by European firms.N/

    Angola renasce : um estudo sobre as perspectivas de ampliação das relações económicas entre Portugal e Angola

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é a identificação dos produtos portugueses, a quatro dígitos da Nomenclatura Combinada (NC), com maiores perspetivas de ampliação de comércio em Angola, através da avaliação da competitividade exportadora portuguesa e do dinamismo importador angolano. Usamos o Índice de Vantagem Comparativa Revelada (IVCR) para analisar a competitividade exportadora portuguesa, e apuramos o dinamismo importador angolano através da avaliação daqueles produtos que apresentaram maior crescimento das importações, no período de referência deste estudo (2005 a 2009). Além disso, identificou-se o grau de intensidade tecnológica desses produtos com maior potencial de crescimento das exportações portuguesas para a Angola. A análise qualitativa desses produtos mostrou que eles são, na sua maioria, de média-baixa e média-alta intensidade tecnológica e residualmente de baixa tecnologia, não existindo commodities ou produtos com alta intensidade tecnológica. Outro aspecto importante deste estudo é a constatação que os produtos identificados pela metodologia utilizada já se encontram na pauta de exportações efetivas de Portugal para Angola, embora os produtos com maior IVCR não sejam necessariamente os produtos mais exportados.N/

    Grau de inovação das pequenas e médias empresas nas Regiões Periféricas da Guarda e Açores

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    Este trabalho enquadra-se conceptualmente numa visão sistémica do papel da inovação, considerada como o modo como as empresas criam valor explorando a mudança. A mudança pode, por conseguinte, ser associada a avanços tecnológicos, mas também a modificações no contexto estrutural de uma indústria, a mudanças nas preferências dos consumidores, a mudanças da composição demográfica, ou, até mesmo, a grandes mudanças da geopolítica global. A presente investigação analisa o grau de inovação das Pequenas e Medias Empresas (PME’s) em zonas periféricas, nomeadamente no distrito de Guarda e Açores. O objectivo foi o de verificar quais os factores que condicionam e/ou potenciam a inovação, aliado ao grau de envolvimento das empresas com universidades/politécnicos e outros actores, de onde resultam a maior parte do capital humano, essencial à criação de valor. Foi construído um inquérito realizado às empresas das zonas anteriormente referidas e a metodologia empregue consiste na estimação de um modelo logit que permite verificar a influência de factores como o sector, idade da empresa, dimensão, actuação e região na definição de inovação. As conclusões apontam para a existência de um relacionamento positivo entre a introdução de inovações no mercado e o sector de actividade, a idade da empresa e o tipo de actuação e uma relação inversa no que se refere a dimensão da empresa e uma relação pouco significativa em relação à variável região.N/

    Innovation Processes of SMEs in Less Favoured Municipalities of Portugal

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    This paper examines the innovation processes of Small and MediumEnterprises (SMEs) in peripheral areas, particularly in the municipality of Guardaand in the islands of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria in the Azores. For this purpose, asurvey was conducted, and three models were estimated: a Logit model, to measurethe difference between firms that innovate and those that do not; a Tobit model,to measure the intensity of innovation; and a Probit model to analyze the type ofinnovation. The results show a positive relationship between the introduction of innovationsin the market sector and the age and activity of the companies, an inverserelationship in regards to the size of the company and in relation to the region

    Estándares territoriales de innovación : análisis de las regiones de Portugal

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    Competitiveness among regions and innovation dynamics are intimately related and depend on a solid and effective innovation system. This study aims to measure innovativeness in different Portuguese regions and to evaluate the nature of the innovation process and the relationship between innovativeness and its region of origin. To characterize the territorial innovation processes and to identify innovation patterns by regions, it analyzes their main distinctive factors, based on the Community Innovation Survey results for each region. Thus, it compares the Portuguese regions by verifying the existence of subjacent clusters and finding out the characteristics that distinguish the different groups of regions. The results point to the existence of four groups of regions, and the factors identified are related to the innovation process, namely objectives of innovation, sources of innovation, collaborative networks, triple helix performance, and obstacles to innovation.RESUMEN: La competitividad entre las regiones y la dinámica de la innovación están íntimamente relacionadas y dependen de un sistema de innovación sólida y eficaz. Este estudio tiene como objetivo medir la capacidad de innovación en diferentes regiones portuguesas y evaluar la naturaleza del proceso de innovación y la relación entre la capacidad de innovación y su región de origen. Para la caracterización de los procesos de innovación territoriales y identificar estándares de innovación en las regiones, este artículo analiza sus factores distintivos principales, con base en los resultados de las encuestas comunitarias sobre innovación para cada región. Por lo tanto, se comparan las regiones portuguesas mediante la verificación de la existencia de agrupaciones subyacentes y descubrir las características que distinguen a los diferentes grupos de regiones. Los resultados apuntan a la existencia de cuatro grupos de regiones, y los factores identificados están relacionados con el proceso de innovación, es decir, los objetivos de la innovación, las fuentes de innovación, redes de colaboración, el funcionamiento de la triple hélice, y los obstáculos a la innovación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Knowledge, technology and innovation cycle

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    There is a common thought both in business and academia that some factos such as technology, innovation and knowledge are key components of success and allowing firms to achieve and sustain competitive advantages. There is a considerable amount of research performed around these three concepts and some of them analyzed their relationship. However, it still suffers from oversimplification of its development processes and methodological limitations. Nevertheless, there is a consensus in business and academia that knowledge is a key component of success and allows firms to achieve and sustains competitive advantages. In a digital era, these advantages arise from the potential of data and information that can be gathered, processed, shared, and used to improve e-business activities. Thus, this research bridges the gap in the assessment of knowledge management and e-business relationship, by applying an SEM to a large database sample of KM activities performed by European firms

    Procesos de innovación de las PYME en municipios desfavorecidos de Portugal

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    This paper examines the innovation processes of Small and Medium\ud Enterprises (SMEs) in peripheral areas, particularly in the municipality of Guarda and in the islands of Sao Miguel and Santa Maria in the Azores. For this purpose, a survey was conducted, and three models were estimated: a "Logit" model, to measure the difference between firms that innovate and those that do not; a "Tobit" model, to measure the intensity of innovation; and a "Probit" model to analyze the type of innovation. The results show a positive relationship between the introduction of innovations in the market sector and the age and activity of the companies, an inverse\ud relationship in regards to the size of the company and in relation to the region.Este artículo examina los procesos de innovación de las pequeñas y\ud medianas empresas (PYME) en las zonas periféricas, en particular en el municipio de Guarda y en las islas de Sao Miguel y Santa María en las Azores. Para este fin se construyó una encuesta para ser aplicada en las áreas de negocio antes mencionadas y la metodología utilizada es la estimación de tres modelos: en primer lugar un modelo "Logit", para medir la diferencia entre las empresas que innovan y las que no innovan; en segundo lugar un modelo "Tobit", para medir la intensidad de la innovación, y el tercero, un modelo "Probit", para analizar el tipo de innovación. Las conclusiones apuntan a la existencia de una relación positiva entre la variable independiente: la introducción de innovaciones en el sector del mercado y las variables\ud edad, y la actividad, una relación inversa en lo que respecta al tamaño de la empresa y en menor grado en relación con la variable región

    (Educ)Ação no empreendedorismo : uma abordagem

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    In the past decades, entrepreneurship has become one of the top concepts in the business field. Its relevance has increased in the past five years due to the economic world crises. Despite the relevance of entrepreneurship, there is a lack of empirical evidences regarding the enabling factors of entrepreneurship. This work provides a review of the literature related to entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education and sets the grounds for a deeper understanding of the impacts of the last element on university students’ propensity to become entrepreneurs. The data gathered and use in this work, covers four different countries and allow us to test the framework established. Findings of this paper indicate that entrepreneurship education is common ground in most countries and the individual characteristics are no longer truly distinctive between countries. On the other half, besides these conclusions, the results show that entrepreneurship education is a key component of entrepreneurship propensity among university students. Our analysis provides a roadmap to guide future research, leaving answered some questions that will be future paths of research.N/

    Assessing the Drivers of Virtual Knowledge Management Impact in European Firm's Performance: an Exploratory Analysis

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    Copyright © 2008 The Authors. Copyright © 2009 Academic Conferences Ltd.e-Business is a phenomenon that has progressed over the past decades at record speed, with considerable promise and hype. It has been embraced with varying degrees of enthusiasm and impact by both large and SME firms. Parallel with its development, E-Business has attracted research interests, seen in a plethora of new modules, programmes, models and tools. Knowledge Management (KM) is one tool that has seemed to gain a more relevant role, especially as managing knowledge becomes increasingly important to all companies. Appropriate KM practices within organisations can be seen as one of the prerequisites of enhancement of continuous performance improvement in the interne-based context. Thus, our aim is to develop a conceptual framework related to KM practices in a virtual context and to identify the nature of the relationship existing in those knowledge-driven elements and performance achievements. This paper aims to bridge the gap between the KM and e-business performance-related literatures from the viewpoint of European firms by establishing a model tested in European companies. For this purpose, we used a structural equation modelling analysis. The results show that KM has a positive impact on the maximization of e-business performance and that some elements individually have a positive influence on e-business performance. As limitations of the study, we consider the need for more research into this field and the inclusion of news elements such as technological readiness and management support to KM initiatives. The present study advances knowledge on the nature of the relative importance of different components of Internet-based KM as drivers of e-business performance and reinforce its importance as an integrated e-business tool